Help Desk


Creating an Account

Anyone is able to create an account at An account is required to purchase, renew and receive internal pushes from other users.

  1. Visit
  2. Follow the on screen instructions to fill out the required form fields to create an account
  3. Press the "Create Account" button

Once you have created your account, a welcome email will be dispatched to your email address that will contain your account information for future use. You will automatically be logged into your account.

Updating your Password

At any time you may update your password for your account.

  1. Login to your account
  2. Browse to your account dashboard (
  3. On the left side menu, click "Account Settings" (
  4. Under "Actions", click the "Change Password" button
  5. Complete the required form fields
  6. Click the "Change my password" button to submit the changes
  7. You will be logged out, and will be prompted to log back in using your new credentials

Updating your Account Profile

Your account profile is automatically populated with the information used when you created an account. If you need to update any of this information, follow these steps.

  1. Login to your account
  2. Browse to your account dashboard (
  3. On the left side menu, click "Account Settings" (
  4. Complete the form fields under the heading "Profile" on the right half of the screen
  5. Press the "Update" button

Domain Management

Viewing your domains offers you the ability to view your domains as a list, as well as in detail for each domain. To enter the domain manager:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Browse to your account dashboard (
  3. On the left side menu, click "Domain Manager" (

From this screen you can perform all domain related tasks. To view a domain in a detailed format, click the "Change" link to the right of the domain name you wish to edit.

Changing Nameservers

Configuring the nameserver records for a domain or domains is a two step process the first time. Follow these instructions to configure your domains NS records.

  1. Login to your account
  2. Browse to your account dashboard (
  3. If this is the first time inputting new NS settings, please follow steps a-d, otherwise skip to #4
    1. On the left side menu, click "Nameserver Manager" (
    2. Click the blue "Create NameServer Profile" button
    3. Enter the name you would like to reference this host by and provide at least 2 host entries. (example: name is MyHost and entries are and
    4. Click the "Add" button to submit the form
  4. Now that you’ve created a NS profile, you can set your domain to use that profile. On the left side menu, browse to "Domain Manager" (
  5. Using the search box or manually looking through the list, find the domain you would like to up and click on the domain name.
  6. Under the "Actions" heading, click "Nameservers"
  7. Select the NS profile you wish to use for this domain from the dropdown.
  8. Press the "Change" button to submit your changes.

Preparing for External Transfer

If you are interested in transferring your domain to another registrar, please follow these easy steps.

  1. Login to your account
  2. Browse to your account dashboard (
  3. On the left side menu, click "Domain Manager" (
  4. Click the domain name in the name column you wish to transfer
  5. On the right hand section labeled "Quick Look" you will find a row that contains your AUTH CODE.
  6. The last step is making sure the domain has been unlocked. In the middle column labeled "Actions" you will find a section labeled "Unlock". Toggle the setting to unlock the domain if necessary. (Ignore this step if displays "Lock")

Note: ICANN policy mandates that domains cannot be transferred within 60 days of the creation date.

Internal Domain Push

This feature allows users to transfer ownership of a domain within to another account.

To complete this process, it is required to have the ID of the user’s account you intend on transferring to. Your username can be found at the very top of the website when the receipient is logged in (id "Logged in as: John Doe (johndoe)").

Once you have the username of the recipients account, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Browse to your account dashboard (
  3. On the left side menu, click "Domain Manager" (
  4. Find the domain name you wish to push
  5. Click the domain's name
  6. Under "Actions", click on "Account Push"
  7. Enter the username of the recipients account you wish to push this domain to.
  8. Press the "Move" button to submit the form and complete the push

Important: Use this feature cautiously. is not responsible for domain transfers made in error. You are transferring full ownership to the recipient for the domain selected.

DNS Service

This feature allows you to use to manage DNS records instead of needing a 3rd party.

Records are managed on a domain by domain level.

To get started, follow this guide

  1. Login to your account
  2. Browse to your account dashboard (
  3. On the left side menu, click "Domain Manager" (
  4. Find the domain name you wish to manage records for
  5. Click the domain's name
  6. Under "Actions", click on "DNS"
    • If button reads "Set" this domain is not currently setup to use the DNS solution. Clicking this button will change your Nameservers to ours, and create the base DNS record entries required.
    • If button reads "Modify" the domain is already setup to use the DNS solution. Clicking "Modify" will take you into the DNS Record management screen for this domain. It is here you will be able to create the various DNS Records needed to correctly route your domain.
  7. Manage your DNS records. Now that your domain is configured to use the DNS solution, you can now begin managing your DNS records. To learn more about this continue reading DNS Records

The screen now lists your domain's DNS records. When starting there are just the name servers (NS type). More are added in the top right.

Note: Please be aware that this is not website hosting, email hosting or any other such service.

DNS Records

Creating DNS records is detailed here. Some important information is detailed just below

  1. Follow the step above in DNS Service to access the domain's DNS record list
  2. In the top right - click the dropdown and select the record type
  3. Click the Add Record button
  4. Enter the Host if necessary.
    Please note these are hosts only, and not the full domain. "blog" will give ""
    If you wish to create a record for the base domain, leave host blank. * is also acceptable.
  5. Enter the target, TTL, and the priority if asked for. A * denotes a mandatory field.
    Different records require different data types. There is help text on the right to assist.
  6. Click the Submit button when finished

Domains are edited using the same form as above.

Please be aware that some edits, and some creates are simply impossible. Examples:

  • Host 'blog' has an A pointing to You can not create a CNAME with the same host. They would both perform the same role, so thereby conflict.
  • Host 'www' has a CNAME pointing to ''. You can not create an A record with the same host. They would both perform the same role, so thereby conflict.
  • Some records allow multiples, such as A records. 'blog' can have A's for and and But it can have only 1 CNAME.
  • Modifying an existing record A type record with host 'blog' to be 'blogs' when CNAME 'blogs' already exists. They perform the same function, so can not co-exist

Updating Contact Information uses a central list of contact profiles to help you easily manage the contact information for your domain names.

Adding a Contact Profile

  1. Login to your account
  2. Browse to your account dashboard (
  3. On the left side menu, click "Contact Manager" (
  4. Click on the blue "New Contact" button
  5. Complete all required form fields
  6. Click "Add" button to submit the form

Updating Contacts for a Domain

  1. Login to your account
  2. Browse to your account dashboard (
  3. On the left side menu, click "Domain Manager" (
  4. Find the domain name you wish to update
  5. Under "Actions" click "Contacts"
  6. Choose the correct profiles for each contact type from the dropdowns
  7. Click "Change" button to submit your updates